Thursday, October 21, 2010

You've inspired me to make you eat your words.

I was told that dudes read my blog, not because I have talent, but probably because they find me attractive. If this is the case for any of you guys out there, do my a favour and stop reading now.
To tell a woman that people like her because of what she looks like and not because of her personality or anything she has to say, is a complete slap in the face.
Should I have done this anonymously, just to be judged fairly? Maybe if you thought I was a man, you would find it funnier? A little better written?
I know it's easy to judge a book by it's cover, but I am who I am, not what I look like.
To those of you who like me for who I am, thank you for giving me the chance to be me. And for those who like me because of what I look like, you can take off, ya hoser. I'll show you.


  1. what are you talking about ur not even good looking...
    from nikki

  2. Screw 'em Chels, do your thing.
    Persistence is key.
    It doesn't matter how many times one falls down, just so long as they never stop getting up.
    For as long as one is breathing at least lol.)
    Keep writing.

  3. Horny d-bags are no reason to get discouraged Chelsey Sparkle. I love your blogs, and actually look forward to reading them on a reg. basis now.
